Be aware of your thoughts and what they show you …

Catching yourself when your being negative towards others, it poisons you within not the person your shaming or shows your shadows to heal

The equestrain world is well known for its bitchy ness towards others. I’m very fortunate to surround myself with supportive friends and colleagues who big each other up and support one another - recently over a weekend I’ve had 2 pieces of feed back via the “grapevine” one was some really kind words another professional had shared to someone when they heard I also teach them and the other was not so kind ( pls note this is not a sympathy post ) it’s about expansion and awareness of self)

What I wanted to share was the value of being able to catch yourself if your find yourself about to be derogative towards another being, because the truth is, the saying “ it’s none of my business what others think of me” is so true. Why because - it’s not about you, it’s a shadow reflection of how they feel or see themselves, and need to feel better about themselves. So if you catch yourself about to be negative, ask yourself where is this coming from? Why do I feel this way?

Of course there will be times in your life that letting go of unhealthy relationships is necessary, not all are meant to last forever. But the letting go doesn’t need to be full of blame or shaming. Let go with love for what you once shared and make room for new.

Previously I would have taken the negative comment to heart before, but today I’m able to be reflective, understand they are coming from a person who is hurting in some way, I also know having spent time with Jenni - to celebrate your trolls cos it means your doing something right when you get them :-)

There’s so much more depth I could dive into in this… but the details aren’t important.

If being a voice for the horse and looking out for a rider’s safety makes me a target for criticism I’ll do it a hundred times over and more.

And here’s to the fellow professionals that are at a place in life and have a good enough relationship with themselves to cheer other instructors along. The bigger picture is horses see all of us, and they see our soul and try their best to guide and heal us to our best versions of ourselves , if we listen and surrender to them showing us all of us, it’s where true contentment can begin. A reflection of wonderful balance of those in expansiveness and those carrying a heavy burden masked by their choice of poison.


Riding the Rehab Tide


The ageing horse …