Equal Footing

Intuitive …. How many times have you heard someone say I’m really intuitive, I always listen to my gut …. How easy is it to not hear your horses gut and intuition, because it may mean someone tells you that your horse  isn’t yielding… that you should be the boss … 

I had the most incredible experience of choosing to listen to my horses gut while in the new forest

There was a super long bridge to cross, I was riding Thyme and leading Tay. 

Thyme was hesitant, a new question , but she was willing to try, about a third of the way across I felt an image come to my mind that was her saying mum is this safe, my logical part of brain was like course it is ( it wouldn’t be allowed to be crossed if not) … just before half way across, she went into a fast reverse, with Tay having to reverse equally as fast behind her. 

She stopped at about a 1/4 still on board …

I immediately said I’ll go first and hopped off to lead the way … it wasn’t about the yield of her going forwards …

As I led them across I got to the spot she had reversed from and I could feel what she she could feel ( with the weight of all 3 us of the bridge floor felt stressed) not gonna break stressed but the floor changed. 

She was right , she knew…yet many would have said she should have yielded forwarded when asked … but she was trying to keep us all safe. 

Once we were safely across the other riders crossed safely with larger gaps between each other. 

I walked back in hand again, and without leading Tayen , the bridge felt fine, it was the accumulative weight of us all that made the difference. 

We are no better evolved that a being that is programmed to keep itself alive, with only its self. Be connected enough to hear your horses gut through your mind’s eye.  This was a beautiful example of we are on equal footing :)


Riding the Rehab Tide